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Grilling Safety

grilling safety

Every year, millions of Americans safely enjoy outdoor barbecues, but accidents do happen. According to the U.S. Fire Administration, about 5,700 grill fires take place on residential property every year, causing an annual average of $37 million in damage, 100 injuries and 10 deaths.

identity protection

Close to half of identity theft cases are the result of a lost or stolen wallet, checkbook, credit card or other physical document. But as online shopping becomes increasing popular, it can also pose an identity risk.

Victims of identity theft are often left with lower credit scores and spend months or even years getting credit records corrected. They frequently have difficulty getting credit, obtaining loans and even finding employment. Victims of identity theft fraud often travel a long and frustrating road to recovery; depending on the severity of the identity theft fraud damage, the recovery process can take anywhere from a few weeks to several years.

check your smoke detector

When it's time to set the clocks forward in Spring or backward in the Fall for Daylight Savings Time, fire safety officials recommend checking that your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are in working order. Working smoke detectors decrease the risk of dying in a house fire by nearly 50%. Here are a variety of safety tips to remember.

prepare for disaster

As disaster season peaks, a new national consumer survey commissioned by Trusted Choice; and the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (IIABA or the Big I), reveals that many homeowners lack adequate insurance coverage, do not fully understand their homeowners' policies and do not have enough savings to support their households in the event of a disaster.

10 tips for safe winter driving

winter driving tips

10 tips to help prepare for safe winter driving. When winter weather makes driving challenging, the safest solution is to stay off the roads, but that’s not always possible so be sure to take precautions if you need to be out in the elements.

halloween liability

Halloween can be scary but having the right insurance coverage can take some of the fright out of the night. Insurance policies can provide financial protection for a host of disasters whether they occur on Halloween or any other day.

Anyone hosting a Halloween party should take steps to limit their liquor liability and make sure they have the proper insurance. Social host liability laws vary widely from state to state. Some states do not impose any liability on social hosts. Others limit liability to injuries that occur on the host’s premises. Some extend the host’s liability if the person who was provided the alcohol is killed or injured, or kills or injures another person. Many states have laws that pertain specifically to furnishing alcohol to minors. 

The Massachusetts RMV launched a new web feature at www.massrmv.com. The new “myRMV” is an easy and friendly central customer page that allows customers to view their RMV information and conduct RMV online transactions all from this one location.

If you have a CDL or CLP, be aware that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has amended Commercial Driver License standards. This regulation is referred to as the “CDL Permit Rule”. The Massachusetts RMV will implement the rule starting in July 2016. 


The information provided in these articles are only general descriptions and should not be relied upon as complete, correct or accurate for your specific situation. All coverage informaiton is subject to policy provisions, endorsements and may be  subject to your meeting underwriting qualifications. Murphy Insurance Agency is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other noninsurance professional services. Consult an appropriate professional for advice regarding your own situation.