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Murphy Insurance News & Articles


topics of interest to you

winter business preparation tips

New England winters are known for their unpredictability. Keeping your business operations running smoothly and safely this winter is dependent on being prepared for whatever winter weather might bring. Taking these steps can help you address the most common problems that cause property damage in winter.

What is gap insurance?

car gap insurance

In the event of an accident in which you've badly damaged or totaled your car, gap insurance covers the difference between what a vehicle is currently worth (which your standard insurance will pay) and the amount you actually owe on it.

identity theft

Many insurance companies offer coverage for identity theft as part of their homeowners insurance policy. Identity theft insurance provides reimbursement to crime victims for the cost of restoring their identity and repairing credit reports. It generally covers expenses such as phone bills, lost wages, notary and certified mailing costs, and sometimes attorney fees. learn more >

3 point check list independent contractor

Differentiating between an employee and an Independent Contractor can be complicated, but making an error can also be costly. Massachusetts Department of Unemployment Assistance clarifies the requirements of an Independent Contractor as outlined in the 3-Prong ‘A-B-C test.’


The information provided in these articles are only general descriptions and should not be relied upon as complete, correct or accurate for your specific situation. All coverage informaiton is subject to policy provisions, endorsements and may be  subject to your meeting underwriting qualifications. Murphy Insurance Agency is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other noninsurance professional services. Consult an appropriate professional for advice regarding your own situation.