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Murphy Insurance News & Articles


topics of interest to you

business desk laptop

Understanding the factors used by insurance companies to price a business insurance policy is key to making the best choices when it comes to finding the right coverage for your needs. If you are planning to start your own business, consider the following factors that can affect the price of your business insurance.

business recovery after storm

The Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) offers small business owners free, user-friendly resources that can help assure their business continuity and checklists to help them protect their business investments and property when bad or severe weather threatens.

home business

If you are running a business from your home, you may need insurance to specifically cover your equipment, liability, etc. because home insurance policies exclude business activities. Here are some basics to consider.

employee lawsuit protection

Does your business employ one or more people? Be prepared for the possibility of an employee lawsuit. Small and family-owned businesses are just as vulnerable as large corporations. Here aare steps you can take to prevent lawsuits.

workers compensation sole proprietor coverage

Workers' compensation policies issued to Sole Proprietors and Partnerships do not provide coverage for the individual sole proprietor or partner(s) unless they elect coverage for themselves. This can leave a gap in workers’ compensation coverage, so be sure you understand what coverage is in place for your own protection and when hiring subcontractors.

Independent Contractors

Does your business use “independent contractors”? If so, are you in compliance with Massachusetts Independent Contractor Law with its strict three prong test? Many businesses that used to use "independent contractors" can no longer classify these workers as such.

cyber liability insurance

Smaller companies face increasing computer liability risks. Almost every business uses technology in some way, and your business can be held liable if certain types of information are compromised. Insurance experts regard cyber risks to be greater than risks related to fraud or theft. Your business can take a variety of steps to protect itself and limit exposure including obtaining cyber liability insurance.

home water damage

Water damage is among the most common reasons for making a property damage claim. Home, condominium, renter insurance and commercial property policies cover a variety of types of property damage caused by water. However, not every instance of water damage is covered by insurance. Damage being covered by a policy can depend on the cause of water damage and the type of policy you have. In some cases, it may depend on whether or not you’ve purchased optional coverages.

winter business preparation tips

New England winters are known for their unpredictability. Keeping your business operations running smoothly and safely this winter is dependent on being prepared for whatever winter weather might bring. Taking these steps can help you address the most common problems that cause property damage in winter.


Learn why your insurance might not be renewed. There's a difference between an insurance company canceling a policy and choosing not to renew it.


The information provided in these articles are only general descriptions and should not be relied upon as complete, correct or accurate for your specific situation. All coverage informaiton is subject to policy provisions, endorsements and may be  subject to your meeting underwriting qualifications. Murphy Insurance Agency is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other noninsurance professional services. Consult an appropriate professional for advice regarding your own situation.