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Murphy Insurance News & Articles


topics of interest to you

business people

U.S. personal and commercial auto insurer liability claim payouts combined were $96 billion to $105 billion higher between 2013 and 2022 because of social and economic inflation.

Ordiance or Law Coverage for building code changes

Changes to building ordinances and laws can result in requirements to upgrade your building to new standards during reconstruction, which can result in extra expenses that may not be covered by a basic property insurance policy. Ordinance or law insurance can protect you.

prepare for disaster

As disaster season peaks, a new national consumer survey commissioned by Trusted Choice; and the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (IIABA or the Big I), reveals that many homeowners lack adequate insurance coverage, do not fully understand their homeowners' policies and do not have enough savings to support their households in the event of a disaster.

hurricane season preparation

September is the most common month for hurricanes making landfall in the U.S., followed by August and October. These five actions can help you stay ready for whatever the remainder of hurricane season has in store.


Learn why your insurance might not be renewed. There's a difference between an insurance company canceling a policy and choosing not to renew it.


The information provided in these articles are only general descriptions and should not be relied upon as complete, correct or accurate for your specific situation. All coverage informaiton is subject to policy provisions, endorsements and may be  subject to your meeting underwriting qualifications. Murphy Insurance Agency is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other noninsurance professional services. Consult an appropriate professional for advice regarding your own situation.