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Do you know the essentials of flood preparedness including a plan to secure your family and property in case of flooding? Financial preparedness for flooding is often overlooked, as many property owners are unaware of the risk of flooding in their area as well as the financial implications of flood damage.

Effective October 1, 2015, the basis of premium for sole proprietors, partners of a legal partnership, and members of an LLC who elect to become employees and obtain workers' compensation insurance coverage is $45,700.

Performing a registration or license renewal on MassRMV.com takes minutes. By reminding customers and maybe introducing customers for the first time to our online renewal services, the RMV is trying to keep more than half a million people from branch lines this fall. The RMV is encouraging all customers to visit MassRMV.com to determine their eligibility for an online transaction before getting in line at a local branch.


The information provided in these articles are only general descriptions and should not be relied upon as complete, correct or accurate for your specific situation. All coverage informaiton is subject to policy provisions, endorsements and may be  subject to your meeting underwriting qualifications. Murphy Insurance Agency is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other noninsurance professional services. Consult an appropriate professional for advice regarding your own situation.