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Murphy Insurance News & Articles


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In 2015, a new Massachusetts law went into effect regarding certificates of insurance.  This legislation, MGL Chapter 175L was enacted to legally clarify that insurance certificates do not and cannot modify the terms or conditions of the insurance policies they evidence. Yet, a year later, instances still occur where businesses or their clients appear either confused or unaware of the law. Outlined here are the key points of the law.

The House of Representatives is expected to consider and debate legislation, recently released by the Financial Services Committee, which would regulate Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) like Uber and Lyft. TNCs and their drivers would be overseen by a new regulatory “Ride For Hire Division” under the Department of Public Utilities (DPU). The new division would be responsible for licensing of the TNC companies and drivers, enforcing penalties, requiring background checks for drivers and setting forth insurance requirements that the TNC companies must carry for their drivers...


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