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Liability insurance is for everyone.

You don’t have to be a millionaire to be sued like one. The legal fees to defend yourself in a lawsuit can be financially crippling regardless of whether you’re ultimately found responsible or not. If found liable, you can’t predict what a judge or jury will award, but huge settlements are common especially when bodily injury is involved. In a serious accident the personal liability limits of an auto, home or renter policy may not be enough, which is why an umbrella policy is an important consideration.

lawsuit protectionWhat’s at risk? Your savings, your home, your future income, etc.

One reason given for purchased higher liability limits is, “I don’t have a lot of savings or other assets.” What this view fails to consider is your future income and earnings potential. If you think you’re struggling now to make ends meet, imagine what would happen if in addition to losing your savings and other assets that your wages were garnished. Regardless of your economic status, you have something to lose.

How can you improve your protection?

Increase the personal liability portions of your policies. Often the difference in premium is minimal compared to the additional protection you get. Here are some of the specific areas to consider.

Auto Insurance

  • Optional Bodily Injury to Others - pays for damages to people injured or killed in an accident if you are legally responsible for the accident.
  • Property Damage - pays for damages to someone else whose auto or other property is damaged in an accident if you are legally responsible.
  • Medical Payments - pays for reasonable expenses for necessary medical and funeral services to yourself and your passengers incurred as the result of an auto accident. 

Home, Condo or Renter Insurance

  • Personal Liability – pays if you are found responsible for unintentional injuries to another person or damage to property.
  • Medical Payments to Others - pays for claims and lawsuits as a result of someone getting hurt, and pays for the medical expenses incurred by that person


  • Provides an extra layer of protection over and above your auto, home or other policies also referred to as excess liability. Covers lawsuits, settlements and jury awards. Available in increments ranging from $1 million to $10 million.

To discuss improving your personal liability coverage or if you have questions, please give us a call. We’re glad to explain and provide a premium comparison.

No matter how responsible and safe you are, the risk exists that one day you or someone in your household could be sued for causing “injury” to someone due to an accident, negligence or some other liability situation. The news is filled with examples of what can happen if you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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The information provided in these articles are only general descriptions and should not be relied upon as complete, correct or accurate for your specific situation. All coverage informaiton is subject to policy provisions, endorsements and may be  subject to your meeting underwriting qualifications. Murphy Insurance Agency is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other noninsurance professional services. Consult an appropriate professional for advice regarding your own situation.