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The Murphy Insurance Blog


News, updates and useful tips about insurance products and the insurance industry. We also provide insights on community events, local news and information that affect your everyday life. Enjoy!

Happy New Year

New Year’s Day is the closest thing we have to a worldwide public holiday. Over the years, many traditions and superstitions have grown. Here are some interesting facts and superstitions that might spark some conversation with friends and family...

Water damage is one of the most common and costliest disasters your home can experience, costing billions of dollars annually. Safeguard your most important asset against water damage with the right insurance coverage and the following practical advice.

When Dawn Penzone, Personal Insurance Supervisor in our Marlborough office, joined the Agency in 2013, we learned that Toys for Tots was a passion and major commitment for her family. So, it only made sense that we join forces. Over 20 years, the Penzones have been champions of Toys for Tots and kids in need, and their efforts are worthy of recognition.

It's hard to believe that we've been serving Massachusetts and beyond for 80 years! Appreciation day December 5th - 7th.

Downtown Hudson is preparing to be the setting for filming of a movie on May 1st, 2nd & 3rd, Details of what to expect from traffic and parking restrictions were just updated. Downtown businesses will be open during filming so don't hesitate to come down if you need assistance.

You may have heard rumors out on the street, but now it's official. Downtown Hudson, MA is going to be the location for a feature film. Filming is scheduled to take place on sections of Main Street and Washington Street on May 1st, 2nd and 3rd from approximately 7AM to 10PM each day.  We'll be open for business during filming.

You might be wondering…”So, what exactly is this blog going to be about?” Don’t worry we won’t bore you with lengthy descriptions of insurance coverage and contract language. There are plenty of other places that you can get that kind of information if you want it. We know that insurance isn’t a hot topic for most people, but everyone wants to be covered if something happens.