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The Murphy Insurance Blog


News, updates and useful tips about insurance products and the insurance industry. We also provide insights on community events, local news and information that affect your everyday life. Enjoy!

spring cleaning

Spring brings with it the traditional “spring cleaning”. While you’re organizing your home and preparing for the warmer months ahead, it's also the perfect time to give your insurance policies a spring cleaning check-up. Ensuring your coverage is up to date and tailored to your current needs can provide peace of mind as you embrace the joys of spring and summer. Take a few moments to explore some essential considerations for your insurance protection this season.

driving car

You may not think an error on your auto insurance application is a big deal, but the consequences can be very costly. Giving inaccurate information on your application can lead to increased premiums, policy cancellations or insufficient coverage in the event of an accident. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when applying for auto insurance.

protect loved ones life insurance

A permanent life policy provides lifelong insurance protection. The policy pays a death benefit if you die tomorrow or if you live to be a hundred. You can lock in premiums when you purchase the policy. By purchasing a permanent policy, the premium will not increase as you age or if your health status changes. There is also a savings element that will grow on a tax-deferred basis and may become substantial over time.

Home Insurance

Home insurance coverage can differ from policy to policy depending on a multitude of factors. Being aware of these factors that affect your premium can ensure that you are appropriately covered.

house colonial style.jpg

For many people, their home is their greatest asset, so it is crucial to avoid being underinsured. Ask your insurance professional these 4 key questions.

Uninsured driver accidents

Have you ever said to yourself, "If someone else hits me then their insurance will pay." But, what if they don't have insurance or what if they have really low limits that doesn't cover the damage/injury they cause...

caution: Insurance Pitfalls

When making decisions about your insurance, it can be a balancing act deciding how much coverage to buy. When a claim occurs, few people would regret having spent a little more for the extra coverage that prevents a large out of pocket expenditure. Avoiding these common insurance mistakes will help ensure you have solid protection.

checkup review

It's worth talking to your insurance representative periodically to review your coverage even if you don't have a specific issue to take care of. Changes in your life can impact your needs and you may not realize it, and insurance companies often come out with new coverage options that you should consider.


Sometimes decisions you make can impact the pricing and availability of insurance. If you’re contemplating any of these decisions, be sure to speak to your insurance agent first to discuss how these issues can impact your insurance coverage and premium.

diamond ring insure

Insuring jewelry is different from your other personal possessions. Standard home, renter and condo policies generally have a $1,000 specific limit in the event of theft. You may be able to increase that amount to $3,000 with some companies; however, for an expensive piece such as an engagement ring, you probably would have a coverage gap. Find out how you can protect the full value of your high value jewelry and get better coverage for situations such as losing the ring or a stone falling out.