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Murphy Insurance 24 - Client Portal

Murphy Insurance 24 Client PortalMurphy Insurance 24 is our agency client portal and mobile app that provides you additional convenience with access to policy information, selected documents, contacting us, reporting a claim, and the ability to perform a variety of other tasks. You may already have an account on your insurance carrier's website; however, we encourage you to also sign up for Murphy Insurance 24 because it provides direct contact with us and makes communication more efficient. Click on Murphy Insurance 24 to log in.


Signing up          

Create an acccount   Click this button, then choose Create New Account. Complete the information, and we'll set up your account. Information will be sent to you by email within two business days.

Mobile App

Murphy Insurance 24 App QRWe highly recommend downloading the Murphy Insurance 24 App so that you can quickly access information and communicate with us using your phone or another mobile device. Simply scan the QR code below.


How to Videos

Please take a few minutes to review the videos below as an introduction to Murphy Insurance 24 as well as guidance about the signup process and logging in.

How to Sign Up Video     Client Portal Tour Video

Mobile App Tour Video     How to Login Video. What to do if you forget password or get locked out.


Note: In order to use the Murphy Insurance 24 Client Portal and Mobile App, you will be required to accept our Agreement to Electronic Delivery.