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Group Dental Insurance

Dental insurance is an employee benefit offered by businesses of all sizes. Since it is not as widely offered as some other benefits, your decision to offer dental insurance as a benefit can help set your company apart as you compete in the market to attract and keep employees.

Aetna     Ameritas Dental         Blue Cross Blue Shield Massachusetts      Cigna   

      Delta Dental        Guardian Dental Insurance

when you think dental insurance… 
think Murphy Insurance

Just as we can help you find the best health insurance coverage for your business and employees in terms of price and coverage, we can help you with dental insurance, too.

When you get your employee dental insurance plan through us, we can generally get you the same or better pricing and coverage than you are paying currently. We’ll do the work for you and compare different group dental plan options and help you find the plan that offers the best solution for your company. Imagine you only have to make one call to us instead of calls to all the carriers and having to provide your information over and over.

Save time and most likely save money. Imagine not having to make multiple calls. We’ll do the work and can shop Altus Dental®, Ameritas Dental®, Blue Cross®, Delta Dental®, Guardian Dental® and others  to find the best combination of price and dental protection. You’ll benefit from the additional support and service of our group benefits specialists on an ongoing basis. What could be better?

Do you already have a dental insurance plan? With the rising costs of dental insurance, you’re probably looking for ways to save money for your company and your employees. Call us before your next renewal. We’ll help you compare options, make your life easier and help you find the best solution. The earlier you call the more options we can investigate.

Do we already provide other business insurance for your company? If so, it makes even more sense to let us help you with group dental benefits, too. Talk about one-stop shopping by having one reliable source for all your insurance needs.

Email, call or visit us to discuss your needs with a trusted group benefits associate.