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Antiques and Fine Arts Insurance

You might be surprised at the value of what you’ve collected over the years. Whether you have an extensive collection or just a few high value pieces, it’s important to clearly understand how your valuables are protected by your insurance.

Even the most comprehensive home policy has limits on how it protects your valuables in the event of damage, theft or loss. Using customized insurance solutions, we can create a protection plan that protects you for the broadest range of situations and ensures that you have sufficient coverage to protect your investment.

Coverage considerations

Where your valuables are located can affect coverage. If you have valuables in multiple locations or lend them for an exhibition, you need to make sure you are properly protected. Some policies only provide coverage when the items are in your home and exclude coverage when in transit.

Individual items & smaller collections

A smaller collection can often be covered using a special floater endorsement on your home policy, which provides broader coverage and does not require a deductible for listed items. However, if the items are extremely valuable, they may require a separate policy.

High value & extensive collections

For larger collections with a substantial value, a separate policy may be required. We work with companies that specialize in covering antiques and fine art, and can help you determine best option for protecting your collection.

Contact us to review coverage options and obtain a quote. 
We’ll help you get the protection you need.