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future care planning guides and assessments

People often think of retirement as a destination; one that, with careful planning and saving, can be the forever vacation we all dream of. The reality is that retirement is the beginning of a journey composed of many phases, all of which come with financial implications and decisions.

Our friends at Murphy Investments Services brought to our attention an in-depth educational program put together by Johns Hopkins University School for Nursing and their Center for Innovative Care in Aging, and Legg Mason on preparing for often overlooked parts of retirement related to housing and care.  Composed of worksheets, the goal of this program is to help you empower yourself and assist your aging loved ones in growing old with control and dignity. We share this information because the topics hit close to home in regards to personal experience and decisions involving aging family members. Eventually, most of us will have to deal with such issues.

aging related educational resources

The program contains a lot of important information and resources, which has been broken down into six sections for your convenience.** If as a result of reviewing this information you would like to discuss financial questions or concerns with a financial professional, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We would be more than happy to introduce you to our friends at Murphy Investment Services. 

AgingPart 1: The New Face of Aging
As people age, they often need to shift the way and/or where they live to accommodate age-related discomforts and reduced capabilities. Trends that impact decisions related to housing. learn more >


Home Safety Assessment AgingPart 2: Home Safety Assessment Checklist
As physical abilities change with age, it's important to evaluate your home for its safety, and whether it supports your ability to carry out everyday activities efficiently. learn more >


Assessing 55+ Living CommunitiesPart 3: Assessing 55+ Independent Living Communities
If you or a loved one is considering moving to a 55+ independent living community, this guide helps you compare and assess the available amenities to determine the best option. learn more >


Hiring Home Care AgencyPart 4: Hiring a Home Care Agency 
If you are in need of home care services and need to hire a provider, this tool helps you to evaluate providers and determine the options that suit your need. learn more >


Interviewing a CaregiverPart 5: Interviewing a Caregiver
If you need to hire a caregiver to help navigate the activities of daily living, this assessment tool helps to compare options and select the best fitting provider. learn more >


Comparing Skilled Nursing FacilitiesPart 6: Assessing Skilled Nursing Facilities
This worksheet helps to familiarize you with the types of services offered by skilled nursing facilities and compare options based on your needs. learn more >



** Disclaimer: The information in the articles and worksheets accessed via the above links are provided by and copyrighted by Legg Mason  and The Center for Innovation Care in Aging at the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing. Murphy Insurance Agency shares this information for information purposes.  These articles and worksheets provide only general descriptions and should not be relied upon as complete, correct or accurate for your specific situation. Any decisions an individual or family makes related to the information provided are the sole responsibility of the decision maker. Murphy Insurance Agency is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other noninsurance professional services. Consult an appropriate professional for advice regarding your own situation.