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winter preparation and safety tips

Winter is a time of year when the risk of claims increases due to storms and cold temperatures, which can cause slick roads, frozen pipes, ice dams and other problems. Your insurance is here to protect you in case of unforeseen situations, but prevention is the best strategy. Maintenance, extra cautious driving, and anything you can do to avoid a loss helps keep your premiums down as well as prevent disruption to your life.

Links to helpful blog posts & articles

Take a few moments to review these short articles and posts to help you be prepared.

Holiday safety tips - Be sure your beautiful holiday decorations are safe.

10 tips for safe winter driving - Reminders to help you be safer on the road

Home winter weather prep tips - Prepare your home for winter before the snow falls. Even if you're late in prepping, better to do what you can now and get bigger projects on the to do list for spring.

Preventing ice dams - Steps you can take to prevent and deal with ice dams

Property snow removal laws...shovel early and often - Residential and commercial property owner responsibility and liability for snow removal. Prevent slip and falls...and lawsuits.

Protect yourself before, during & after a blizzard - Before a blizzard strikes be sure you have a plan

Reduce the risk of winter related losses - Once you've prepped stay vigilant during the winter to situations that increase risk of damage to you rhome or other claims.

Snow removal from vehicles laws - Clear vehicles before you drive.

Snow load...protect your roof and building - Take precautions to prevent roof overloads


business specific tips

Protecting your business property in winter -  Taking these steps can help you address the most common problems that cause commercial property damage in winter.

Snow plowing liability - If you have a plowing business...be sure you're properlty protected