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agribusiness risk management guide

reduce risk. prevent loss. save lives.

If your business grows crops, raises live stock, or operates in other agriculture-related businesses, you're likely to face a number of risks each day that could result in damage to property, injury or otherwise expose you to a lawsuit. The Agribusiness Risk Management Guide is designed to provide you with an overview of major hazards within the agricultural-based arena, as well as guidelines to help manage risk including:

  • property protection - fire protection, combustible  storage & use, chemical storage & use, electrical, mature pits, roof loads, equipment storage, use & maintenance, business interruption, etc.
  • automobile liability - fleet management, driver qualifications, personal use of farm vehicles, employees use of their own vehicles, etc.
  • product liability - hazard analysis, selling/buying hay to/from others,
  • general liablity - contractor qualifications, visitors precautions, farm ponds, etc


Why managing risk is important?

Agribusiness takes place in an environment that is particularly susceptible to loss. A wide range of hazards along with changing conditions present a special challenge for those responsible for managing the risks associated with agribusiness. The exposures often combine traditional business risks as well as those associated with personal property and liablity. 

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